We grow sustainably

Social Projects

We grow sustainably

The drive to do good has always part of Secom® Healthcare, it is in the DNA of the founders and the people on the team. For this in the last 20 years we invested over one million Euros in social and volunteer programs. Together with 70 NGOs, medical and educational institutions we helped over 100 000 people.

We want our future community investments to be directly linked to the needs of the communities to ensure the transition to a sustainable society.

Therefore, we have consulted with our team and our external stakeholders to identify priority areas – based on the Sustainable Development Goals – to which Secom, through the nature of its activity, can contribute and add value to the community.

Following this consultation, it became clear that the pillars we need to focus our future efforts on are directly linked to the following 3 Sustainable Development Goals.

Health and wellbeing
  • Reducing premature mortality caused by non-communicable diseases through prevention, treatment and promotion of mental health and wellbeing

  • The population's access to medical products and services

  • Promotion of mental health

Quality education
  • Ensuring access to free, fair and high-quality primary and secondary education

  • Increasing the number of young people and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, to facilitate employment

  • Health education for young people of all ages

Responsible consumption and production
  • The use of packaging from renewable materials

  • Recovery and recycling of the materials from which the products are packaged

  • Collection of expired supplements

In 2023, through our program Impreuna in slujba binelui (Together in the service of good) we supported 10 social projects, thus helping 4250 people through financial support and through the volunteering activites which involved 101 of our colleagues.

The social projects:

1.Support at lessons and scholarships for 13  children at the Community Center Zi de bine – Bucharest
2.Antibulying workshops 36 Ionel Teodoreanu School – organised wth  Asociatia Zi de Bine  – Bucharest
3.Renovationg of the dining are at 36 Ionel Teodoreanu School – together with Asociatia Zi de Bine – Bucharest
4.Nutriton workshops at 36 Ionel Teodoreanu and Pia Bratianu schools  – organised with Asociatia Zi de Bine – Bucharest
5.Renovation of the ‘’Respiratory Functional Explorations’’  lab from the Marius Nasta Institute – Bucharest
6.Rural education in Costeiu 50 km from Timisoara, 7 km from Lugoj citites – Timisoara County
7.Activities for 1st of June (Children Day) at the Saint Mary Emergency Children Hospital in Iasi– Iasi County
8.Saint Nicholas surprise at the Casa Share Educational Center in Iasi – Iasi County
9.Donation of educational materials for 15 pupils at the Summer School in Laslau Mare – Mures County
10.Christmas presents for 40  Disadvantaged children thought Fabrica de Daruri NGO – Calarasi, Buzau and Vrancea Counties

In 2022 we launched Impreuna in Slujba Binelui (Together in the Service of Good), an internal program, thus supporting 7 social projects, helping over 3500 people through financial support, as well as through volunteering.
The social projects were:
Awareness campaign on pre and postnatal depression – with the Asociatia Impreuna in Depresia Pre si Postnatala ( Together in Pre and Postnatal Depression Association)
Financial support for 10 oncological patients – together with Asociatia oncologica Parintele Arsenie Boca from Timisoara (Arsenie Boca Priest Oncological Association)
Sterile room at Sfanta Maria Hospital in Iasi – together with Conventus Mirabilis Association
Together for Sophia donation campaign – with Micutul Noel Association (Little Noel Association)
Festivity room renovation at Mihail Kogalniceanu school in Buzau – together with Fundatia Comunitara Buzau (Buzau Community Foundation)
Schoolbag and food donations campaign – together with Fabrica de Daruri Association (Gift Factory Association)
Modern kitchen at the educational centre Casa Share from Iasi – Casa Share

In 2022 we have supported families hard hit by the war in Ukraine.

We have donated over 5000 food supplements for physical and psycho-emotional support – through Zi de Bine Association.

We helped 500 refugees by providing them with accommodation, food, childcare, and social counseling – through The Margareta of Romania Royal Foundation and Autism Voice Association

In 2020, we supported the “SCUT PENTRU SPITALE” campaign (Shield for Hospitals), launched by ZI DE BINE Association in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim of providing the frontline infectious disease hospitals with the following: disinfectants, protection equipment for healthcare professionals, diagnosis tests, emergency care containers etc.

We offered regular financial support to ZI DE BINE Association, by donating the money raised from the “Good Thoughts, Good Deeds” initiative organized on secom.ro.

In 2020, we donated 500 meals and 400 products to the healthcare professionals fighting in the frontline against COVID-19, through the #ACUM initiative launched by Kane – New Romanian Cuisine restaurant.

In 2020, we donated 300 products to the people from the quarantine centers during the COVID-19 lockdown, through the Pretuieste Viata Humanitarian Caravan (Cherish Life) organized by Andreea Marin ( a famous anchor and ambassador of social initiatives in Romania).

In 2020, we supported the construction and equipment with furniture and appliances of Casa Share 25 (Share House) in Vladeni, Iasi, which was offered to a family with four children living in harsh conditions. The house was built by Casa Share NGO, initiated by Bogdan Tanasa.

In 2020, we sponsored the technical design and the feasibility studies required to obtain the permits and start the works on the new sections of the newborn intensive care unit of the Emergency Children’s Hospital “Maria Slodowska Curie”.

In 2019, we supported the renovation and equipment of the isolation ward no. 1 of the Pediatrics Hospital within the National Institute for Mother and Child Health “Alessandrescu-Rusescu”.

In 2019, we provided support for the establishment of the SAMAS Mother’s School in Cluj-Napoca, an educational project where current and future parents benefited from free nursing, delivery and baby care classes, held by SAMAS trained and certified perinatal trainers, to help reduce infant mortality in Romania.

In 2019, we joined the Swimathon campaign – one of the most long-lived platforms focusing on making a difference in the community.

We raised funds, swam, and provided financial support for the “Volunteer in Hospital” program, which helps children in long-term hospitalization in the M.S. Curie hospital and the “Dr. Nicolae Robanescu” Clinical Medical Center for neuro-psycho-motor recovery.

In 2019 and 2020, we donated products and volunteered as part of Our Big Day Out program dedicated to institutionalized elderly and children, as well as to children, families and elderly living in disadvantaged rural areas.

In 2018, we supported 6 camps for children suffering from severe diseases – organized by Magic Association, to help them forget about their suffering for one week, and instead play, have fun and make friends.

In 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2019, we sponsored the Christmas Tree Festival fundraising event, organized by Save the Children Romania, to support access to education for children from underprivileged areas.